My vision for the education system in New Orleans...

  1. Every child reading on grade level 

  2. Every child being pushed to maximize their academic, social, emotional and physical talents 

  3. Every child accessing an internship and job skills training

  4. Parents provided supports (resources and opportunities) to ensure that their students can simply focus on doing their best in school 

  5. Community businesses are able to access contractual opportunities to expand their economic capital

  6. Every child provided a college course and trip 

  7. Every child attending high school is provided counseling for mental health

  8. Every child provided financial literacy and voter education 

  9. Every child provided an exposure trip 

  10. Every child graduates from high school with a plan for success as well as a job and or college acceptance 

  11. No children enter the juvenile/criminal justice system; and, students in the system are transitioned back into a traditional high school setting, if appropriate

  12. Every student has access to the latest technology and textbooks 

  13. Every OPSB graduate who attends college and is employed at an OPSB school to teach will receive help to pay off their student loans from the District

  14. Children can walk to school and have access to a high performing school (B School Performance Score or higher)

  15. Every child's life trajectory is examined and an individualized education and support plan is provided to help move students from low income to middle class

  16. We centralize the school calendar, transportation, expulsions. 

  17. The Orleans Parish School Board directly manages district led schools through the innovation schools model as well as increases the amount of school options (specialized programs for law, police academy, STEM, etc.) for students and families


Overall, the one thing I am clear about, we are not solving for the most important problem: POVERTY, often times generational, at that. Beyond the governance issues, we need to focus our collective efforts on funding early childhood education, increasing the base MFP to provide more resources in the classroom for students, incentives and supports to not only recruit, but maintain strong teachers, and resources/services to support families in need. All of this will take innovation, resources and collective support by all levels of government.